Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 5: Amor of God

What a day! You girls were full of stories today - loved it!

This week I hope you post your fully prepped paper doll in a good spot when you're getting dressed each morning to remind you to put on the full armor of God.  Our life begins in a relationship with Jesus and learning and trusting each part of the armor is what will equip us for our journey.

Ephesians 6: 10 - 18

  • Belt of Truth - God, our one true Creator, Counselor, Savior, Friend and Father
  • Breastplate of Righteousness - Be mindful of the He is a forgiving God who provides you with a life free of sin through knowing Him, being honest with Him and accepting His awesome gift of forgiveness.
  • Sandals/Boots of Peace - Watch your feet as they walk through each day and see how they can be reminders of living out and bringing peace to those around you.
  • Shield of Faith - Having faith in the unseen is one of the most difficult to explain. Hold fast to your shield of faith knowing that you can count on God to fulfill every promise He's made to you and to all people. 
  • Helmet of Salvation - You are saved by and through Jesus Christ. As you do your hair each morning visually put on your helmet of salvation (wouldn't want a real helmet to give you helmet-hair) as a reminder that He is watching over you from the very top of your being down to your toes. He has risked it all for you promises you strength for today's battle and for all eternity.
  • Sword of the Spirit, God's Word - The Bible is the most powerful book you could ever know. Keep His words close to you to calm your doubts/fears and strengthen you in every situation. His Word is true.

Blessings to each of you this week. I look forward to our last week next Sunday where we "serve others unexpectedly" during the 9:15 service time. Come a little early if you can as we'll jump right in and get started as soon as you arrive.

Are you ready for battle? Prepare!

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