Sunday, February 21, 2010

Week 4: Be Smart: You are beautiful.

Smart girls know that there is nothing more beautiful than confidence - confidence that comes from knowing who you are and whose you are.

Thanks for joining in the chat today as we looked into switching from worrying ourselves with self-esteem (when we place our hope inward on ourselves - obsessed, destructive!) to God-esteem (when we place our hope upward in Him).

Seeing yourself the way that God sees you makes a big difference in how other people see you. God tells us in 1 Corinthians 3: 16 - 17 that " yourselves are God's temples and the Holy Spirit lives in you... God's temple is sacred..." That means, YOU are sacred! You are so important to God and He loves you so much. God made you unique and beautiful in every way. Every quirky, funny, silly thing about you, every serious, doubtful, curious, loving, helpful, giving thing within you that makes you different was done with, and for a purpose. Isn't He awesome?

Everything from your nose to your toes, your thoughts to your smile is a creative gift God made just for you so you could carry out His work.

Scriptures for this week (along with the above mentioned):

2 Corinthians 4:7 - "We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that the great power is from God, not from us." So girls, take care of this precious jar because inside of you is one of the most powerfully, unique gifts - the light and love of Jesus!

Ephesians 2:10 - "God has made us what we are..." And as Abbey would add, "So work it girl!" Make what God has given you work for His glory and honor. It's our God-esteem at its best.

This week is National Eating Disorder Week and I'd like for you to be mindful of how shifting the way you see yourself to the way GOD sees you affects you this week. Many girls struggle with how they look on the outside. Go this week knowing that you are filled internally with God's beauty.

Assignment this week:Post your notes up that we made this week on your mirror in your room, the bathroom or even your mom or sister's mirror to remind you of how special and beautifully made each of us are. Post it in your locker at school or in the front of your planner. Make some new post-its and stick them on a friend's locker or (if it's ok) on the school's bathroom mirror or in the locker room. To see more notes from other girls across the country to go

Stay beautiful and I'll see you next week!

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