Sunday, January 31, 2010

Welcome to Third Place

Have you ever been so excited to be in Third Place? Me either!

In this blog, I'll post notes from our chats and scripture readings each week so if you missed it, want to pass along to a friend or want to dig deeper, you can!

For those who joined in on today's chat, thank you for starting this journey with me.  I'm excited to get to know you better (what an amazing group of young women!) and explore what it means to truly put God first in our lives, serve and care for others second and then love and respect ourselves third. So many exciting things can happen when we put full confidence in Him. Let's take the journey together to build confidence in who we are in Christ and confidence in who He is as King of our lives.

Verses from today, if you're wanting to check them out a bit more on your own are below:

John 14: 1 - 17  "Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God and trust in me..." He's preparing a room for each of us! We may not know how to get there just yet, but Jesus is "the way, the truth and the life." Let's trust and have confidence that He will lead us there, if we're willing.

1 Corinthians 6: 19 - 20 The Holy Spirit is already in you. Trust that He is speaking to you (that warm and fuzzy feeling in your heart!) and wanting you to show others "His" face through you, your actions and all you say. Your body is a special creation of His and He's ready to use you to further His kingdom.

The race is on and I think we should all take Third Place together!

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